The Eco-Prayer 30 Day Challenge is an easy way to deepen your connection and intent to the earth and all of its ecosystems.

All you need to do is follow these 4 steps:

1. Choose an Ecosystem

Choose one or more places, plants or animals that you love.

2. Pray

Each day pray with positive intention for that place, plant or animal and the entire Ecosystem that support it.


3. Repeat for 30 Days

For 30 Days continue to pray or send positive intention to the place, plant or animal that you have chosen.  Feel the deepening to the connection to this and its ecosystem.

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4. Share

Share your participation in the 30 Day Eco-Prayer challenge with your friends and relatives in your social media and invite them to take the 30 Day Challenge themselves. Together we are all creating a stronger earth.


The power to change the world is in your prayers and intentions.


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