Cutting carbon pollution from aviation: A major breakthrough years in the making

Five years ago, I had one of the hardest tasks in government for someone who cares about climate action: running an interagency process in the White House on addressing carbon dioxide emissions from international aviation. To put it mildly, climate action in the aviation sector was at an impasse.

World's largest marine protected area declared in Antarctica - BBC News

Delegates from 24 countries and the European Union have agreed that the Ross Sea in Antarctica will become the world's largest marine protected area (MPA). Some 1.57m sq km (600,000 sq miles) of the Southern Ocean will gain protection from commercial fishing for 35 years.

HFC greenhouse gas agreement adopted by nearly 200 nations

A historic agreement was reached Saturday morning when nearly 200 nations agreed to phase out a greenhouse gas over 10,000 times more powerful than carbon dioxide in causing global warming. The deal, announced in Kigali, Rwanda, aims to cap and reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in a gradual process, grouping countries into categories with different deadlines depending on their capacity to transition to alternatives.